Fancy Widget Pro is a clock & weather widget collection.
Choose from 5 different widget sizes and tons of clock and weather skins.
Basic features:
- Clock with customizable time and date format
- Current weather condition and 3/4-day weather forecast
- Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature support
- Geo-location for weather or search city by name/zip code
- Configurable refresh interval
- Additional information (e.g., battery level) on the widget
- Configurable widget tap actions
- Automatic sunrise/sunset time calculation
- Digital clock widget styles with skin support
- Many options to customize the widget
- Choice of Google or WeatherBug weather forecast
- Severe weather alerts with customizable notification options
- Extra flip clock widget style with skin support
- Access to the Fancy Widget Market and convenient skin management
- Fancy weather animations (rain, storm, snow, etc.)
- Compact home widget with clock and weather (4x1)
- Clock only widget (4x1)
- Weather only widget (4x1)
- Weather forecast widget (4x1)
- Even more customization options
- Enabled the holographic theme for Honeycomb
- Added windshield wiper animations for storm or snow conditions
- Fixed missing weather icons for certain conditions
- Updated some language translations (e.g., Finnish, Japanese)
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